BevNET’s Nosh Packaged Food Guide

The Nosh Packaged Food Guide features a range of packaged food products, including snacks, frozen foods, canned goods, condiments, ready-to-eat meals, and baking mixes, plus companies that supply goods and services to those packaged food manufacturers.

Note: Last year we called this guide the NOSH Better For You Food Guide. Nosh has expanded its reach, so we renamed the guide for 2024.

List in the Nosh Packaged Food Guide

BevNET’s Nosh Packaged Food Guide is published in the September/October issue of BevNET Magazine, and it goes out digitally to our Daily Newsletter Email lists, reaching over 30,000 food and beverage industry professionals.

Basic Listing

Early Bird Discount


Originally $349

1/16 page size

Short description of brand/company

1 SKU image or company logo

Featured Listing

Early Bird Discount


Originally $949

1/4 page size

Long description of brand/company

No restrictions on what the image includes

Option to upload full artwork

Proof sent for approval before we go to print


Early Bird Pricing Ends

August 8, 2024

Final Payment Deadline

August 29, 2024

Listing Content Due

September 3, 2024

Purchase now, submit later!

You will receive an email with a link to submit details including headline, company name, image, wording, and contact info. You can submit and update details any time through September 3rd. Listings are reviewed by our team and you will be notified for approval or revisions.

Buying a Featured Listing?

You have the option to skip the listing body & upload your own artwork (3.54" x 4.7", 300 DPI).

Get in Touch!

Have questions or need assistance? Contact our guide expert, John Fischer.


Boost Industry Awareness for Your Company

Support your presence in the Nosh Packaged Food Guide or kick off a customized campaign by taking advantage of additional advertising opportunities including half page ads, full page ads, and 2 page spreads in BevNET Magazine, plus digital advertising on